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Car DeliveryCar Delivery

Car Delivery Software

Make Car Delivery with Digital Signature. Deliver your rental cars through the app.

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<p>Car Delivery Software</p>


Digitizes your delivery processes.

License Plate Recognition from Camera

Parking Lot Counting by Camera

Legal Digital Contracts

Multiple Company and Location Management

Reports and Forecasts

Photography and Damage Management

Customizable Fields

Customer Management



Vehicle Delivery via the Application Deliver and photograph vehicles via the application. Track damage data. Receive contracts digitally.

Car Delivery

Read License Plate

Automatically recognizes license plate with camera. Creates the vehicle automatically.


Customer Information

Fill in the customer details for the delivery.


Photography and Damage Sketch

Keep all photos of the delivery and damage information.


Digital Signature

Store all delivery contracts with a digital signature.

Easy and Safe Vehicle Delivery

Digital Solutions for Vehicle Delivery

With cardelivery.app, vehicle delivery has never been easier. Eliminate paperwork with digital signature and modern software solutions. Choose us for safe, fast and environmentally friendly vehicle delivery.

Environmentally Friendly and Reliable Vehicle Delivery

Offering eco-friendly solutions, cardelivery.app protects the environment by moving vehicle delivery to a digital platform. Thanks to digital signature, it prevents paper waste and speeds up the process.

Easy Delivery via Tablet and Phone

Make vehicle delivery effortless with your mobile devices. You can deliver your vehicles with a digital signature on both tablet and phone and manage processes more efficiently.

Modern Vehicle Delivery Software for Rental Companies

Our vehicle delivery software, specially designed for car rental companies, digitalizes all delivery processes. By eliminating paperwork, it makes vehicle delivery processes more modern and user-friendly.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About CarDelivery

Car Delivery accelerates and error-free vehicle delivery processes by moving paper-based transactions to the digital platform. In this way, businesses can offer customers a faster and more reliable service. You can store all photos, damage and equipment delivery information of the delivery and receive contracts from your customers digitally. It transmits delivery departure and return information to your customer via email.

It stores all mileage, fuel, vehicle equipment information of the delivery during the delivery and pick-up stages. You also mark vehicle photos, equipment information and damage information for departure and return. You have your customer digitally sign the draft contract you have previously created and store it in the cloud environment. All delivery information is automatically sent to your customers via e-mail.

The digital signing process you receive through the application is designed in accordance with the necessary security regulations. The 3D signature projection information received from the customer at the time of signature is added to the contract in vector form, location information and customer-specific digital certificates are generated and added to the PDF as a digital certificate. It legally protects both you and your customers by fulfilling all legal obligations.

You do not need to import your existing vehicles and customer information into CarDelivery. But it is very easy if you want to. When you scan a license plate from the camera, Car Delivery automatically creates the vehicle in the system even if there is no license plate record. Likewise, it automatically creates a customer who is not in the system during delivery. But if you want, you can upload vehicles in bulk from the CarDelivery Admin screen.

CarDelivery was written exactly for this. You can easily integrate CarDelivery with any software you want via Rest API. CarDelivery allows you to manage all the information of your business with Rest API. You can create delivery records through your own software and have them delivered with CarDelivery. After delivery, CarDelivery will send you detailed information via webhook via API.

The quick and easy registration feature enables businesses to use the app quickly. In this way, businesses can offer a faster service to customers.

Detailed delivery forms for each vehicle can be used to record customer information, delivery date, vehicle status and other details. In this way, businesses can keep the delivery process of each vehicle under control.

The app enables digital signing of contracts during vehicle delivery, avoiding paper waste and speeding up the process. This feature enables customers to complete the delivery process more easily and quickly.

The app offers the ability to take photos to document vehicle status in detail. With this feature, businesses can avoid disputes by visually documenting the status of vehicles before and after delivery.

With CarDelivery, you can also manage your rental, service deliveries and in-company vehicle usage. If you wish, you can create new delivery types of your own.


Why Choose Car Delivery?

Here are a few reasons why our customers choose Car Delivery.


Digital Delivery Management

Deliver your vehicles to your customers by photographing them through the app. Digitally sign the delivery documents and deliver them to your customers digitally.

Multiple Firm Management

Manage the delivery processes of all dealers and locations of your brand from a single place.

Showroom Mode

Turn your tablet, which you use for digital signature in your desk offices, into a feast full of your brand's advertisements and a kiosk outside the process. Add institutionalization to your brand.

Easy Parking Lot Counting

Easily perform your periodic parking lot count with the camera through the application and report from a single place.

Digital Archive

Store all photos and digital contracts of deliveries in the cloud. Easily access them when you need them.

Identify the Differences

Easily detect missing Fuel, Mileage Difference, Damage and Equipment differences with CarDelivery.



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Vehicle Delivery management through the application

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